Monday 16 January 2012

Pathway Project, 16th January

The main part of today was spent working on our pathway projects.  I tried to make a screen print from some of my a-semic writing images, but the prints didn't work and I don't think I'll pursue this route. The problem was partly to do with the quality of the screens, which in turn is a mixture of old and worn screens available, and lack of skill on my part in establishing an effective vacuum in the UV machine and not being abel to wash the screen well enough to get a clean image.

 So with a not-very-good screen, I got some not-very-good prints, like these.

But perhaps it wasn't such a good idea, anyway, to try to make a screen PRINT of an image of HANDWRITING when my project has evolved into being something about the process of writing as a hand-skill.  Print is for print, and even then, screen printing is not the obvious way to print the written word.

My intention had been to print onto fabric and add stitch.  But this takes the whole thing even further away form eh act of writing with a pen.  So perhaps this was a route best tried and quickly abandoned.  Which also saves quite a lot of fuss and bother with screens etc.

I had useful tutorial sessions with both Mark and Theresa about my project.  I am going to concentrate on drawn scripts, and on scale.  Mark encouraged me to go big, big, big - and I am now thinking about how to achieve that in a practical sense.  On Monday next week I may try to do some very big painting....  Theresa also encouraged me to think about scale, but small as well as large.  We talked about printing, letter-press, book-making...  and this of course takes me back to the starting point for this project.  So I may yet be making some tiny books with a-semic script inside.  Or maybe I'll use some of the letterpress print I did in the summer at the UWE sumer-school.  We also swapped references to textiles work with script, which was helpful.

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