Monday 23 January 2012

College 23rd january: pathway project

Today I took advantage of an almost empty room 04 to do some more 'writing' on a large scale.

I taped up sheets of A2 black paper onto the wall, and see white acrylic, watered down quite a bit, to make some big 'script' paintings, working vertically on the wall, and allowing the paint to drip a little.  I did two large pieces: this squarish one....

and this one, rather longer and thinner....

And some separate sheets (partly done as warm-up exercises: it takes a little time to 'get my hand in' to the non-writing script each time).

I liked the results, and got some very positive feedback from other people, including Matt who made a point of seeking me out to tell me, which was kind of him.

One of the interesting things which is emerging is that my 'writing' is acquiring a consistent style and form, all of its own.  My earlier drawings were each one different - perhaps because I was consciously trying to 'design' different script styles.  But as I've grown more familiar with the process, and more confident, I am thinking less, and loosening control, and the result is a flowing script-like, rhythmic line which is not at all like my 'real' handwriting.

Psychologists could no doubt have a field-day with that.....

I also had another useful tutorial with Mark, who had even more suggestions about other artists who I could look up - if I have time.  And a stern reminder about getting my essay done.  Oh dear:  where have my time management skills gone?

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