Monday 3 October 2011

College week 5/2 More Process Painting 3rd October

On Monday we had the second session of process painting.  We had the whole day to work on our prepared boards and to develop ideas from last week on a bigger scale.  I had concentrated on surface textures last week, so I carried on with this, and working mainly but not wholly in blue.  I was still really just playing - there was not much pre-planning in my head, but the action of putting the pain on, scraping it back, layering more on, scraping back again, was satisfying in itself and produced interesting effects in both texture and colour.

During the lunch break I went and had another look at the Bridget Riley prints in the RWA Gallery - inspiring in form, colour and scale.  Working on bigger boards, about 600mm square, was also liberating.

One of my fellow students was working really big, on a canvas about 3ft x 6ft, and his results suggested that being bold on a bigger scale can produce very good outcomes.  Something to try at home.

I made two large and a series of 4 small paintings today, and was quite happy with them all.  I might well return to painting ing this style again later on.  Photos of my efforts are here....

In the evening I was looking at various contemporary quilt websites and blogs and came across a rich seam of quilts which reflected similar approaches, but in fabric.  The use of colour, form, method, rhythm and texture to create an effect of colour and light is the same in both textiles and paint - with no effort to be representational.
Examples here.....

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